James Van Voast

Cincinnati Enquirer, 18 July 1915, page 12


Taps were sounded yesterday morning for Brigadier General James Van Voast, 87 years old, United States army, retired, who died at his home, 507 East Third street, after a short illness. He was retired more than 30 years ago and since then he has been living in Cincinnati.

General Van Voast was born September 19, 1827, in Schenectady. NY. He was a son of John G and Maria Remsen Teller Van Voast, and was of Hudson and Mohawk Valley colonial stock. On his paternal side he was descended from one of the Van Voasts who settled at Ft. Orange, (Albany) in 1681 and on his maternal side he was a descendant of William Teller, who settled Ft Orange in 1839 and was one of the proprietors of Schenectady in 1662.

General Van Voast acquired his earlier education in the Lyceum at Schenectady in 1845 and 1846. After leaving the Lyceum he entered Union College and was a student there in 1847 and 1848, but before finishing the college course he entered the United States Military Academy at West Point as a cadet, and there laid the foundation for his military career.

He, however, was graduated from Union College in 1852, receiving his degree of artium baccalaurean from President Nott. After he had finished his military education at West Point, he was commissioned an officer of the United States army and from that time until his retirement by reason of disability in line of duty, he gave his services to the Government.

In whatever capacity he was called his part was well done and according to the highest conception of a soldier's duty. Throughout the Civil War he was stationed with his regiment in California and was assigned to duty on the Pacific slope. Much of the time he acted as Military Provost Marshal of San Francisco.

General Van Voast was a member of the Union College Phi Beta Kappa and also a member of the secretly society Delta Phi. He was married twice. His first marriage occurred in 1855 to Helen Pierce Hear, of Massachusetts, who died in 1859, leaving one daughter, Helen Van Voast.

His second wife was Virginia Moss Harris of Kentucky by whom he had two children, Virginia Remsen Van Voast and Dr. Rufus Adrian Van Voast who was graduated from Yale in 1900 and from Harvard Medical School in 1905, is now serving as a surgeon in the French army.

Funeral services will be held at 10:30 o'clock Tuesday morning at the residence.


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