General James Taylor

Covington Journal, Friday, November 10, 1848, page 3
Death of Gen. James Taylor


We are called on to record the decease of this venerable citizen.  He died at 3 o'clock P. M. yesterday, Nov. 7 at his residence in Newport, Ky.  He was born in 1769 in Caroline County, Virginia and emigrated to Kentucky in 1792.

He was Quarter Master General of the North Western Army during the last war with England, in which office he served with distinction.  He was one of the officers designated by Gen. Hull to draw up the articles for his surrender, which he indignantly refused to do.

Gen. Taylor left a very large property, being perhaps the largest landed proprietor in the West.  His estate, which is estimated at four millions, will descend to a son and three daughters. 

He preserved his faculties till the last hour.  It was a most grateful reflection to him that his life was spared till the day of the Presidential election; and by the obliging disposition of the Judges of the Election, who went to his chamber to receive his vote, he had the inexpressible satisfaction of casting it for his friend and relative, General Zachary Taylor for President of the United States.  His remark, on giving his vote was characteristic of the old soldier.  "I have given the last shot to my country."

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