Private James D Pigg

Kentucky Post, Friday, 12 February 1904, page 8

Private James D Pigg, who some weeks ago, assaulted Quartermaster Sergeant Robert Bloedel because the Sergeant had corrected him on a street car for misconduct, is now on trial before the general court martial here for that offense.


Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 24 February 1904, page 8

In the case of Private James D Pigg, Company A, who was found guilty of a violation of the 62d Article of War, in assaulting the Quartermaster Sergeant Bloedel on a street car a short time ago. Gen Grant approves the sentence of forfeiture of $10 of his pay per month for six months and confinement at hard labor under guard for the same period.


Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 30 August 1905, page 5

Roena Baldwin Pigg's love for her soldier husband, James Pigg, is not what it once was, and today she filed suit against Pigg in the Campbell Circuit Court for divorce, alleging abandonment. She says she met Pigg while he was stationed at Ft Thomas. Their first meeting ripened into love, and they were wedded June 18, 1904.

He shortly abandoned her and the last place she heard from him was at Skagaway, Alaska, where he was stationed with the Third Infantry, Company A. Mrs. Pigg, besides praying for a divorce, asks for restoration of her maiden name, Roena Baldwin. Attorney J W Heuver, for plaintiff, was named as the warning order attorney to defend the nonresident defendant by Circuit Clark Schwartz.


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