James Pagen

Kentucky Post, Monday, 13 June 1904, page 5

James Pagen, one of the best known citizens of Newport, passed away at the home, 32 East Front st. Newport. He was 75 and was a contracting painter by occupation. He was a member of the Masonic Order and also of the Knights of Pythias. In his younger days he was a member of the Phoenix Hook and Ladder Company of the Cincinnati Volunteer Fire Department.

He leaves a widow and three daughters, Mrs. Anna Ferguson, Mrs. Alice Schrader and Miss Nellie Pagen.


Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 14 June 1904, page 5

The funeral of the late James Pagen will take place from the Presbyterian Church in Newport at 3 pm Wednesday, instead of Thursday as at first announced. The pallbearers will be selected from the various lodges to which he belonged. Eureka Lodge, K of P, met Monday night to take action of his death.


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