James M Reed

Kentucky Post, Monday, 8 January 1906, page 5

James M Reed, 60, who for 41 years made Newport his home, died yesterday at the residence of ex-City Clerk W F McClure, 12 East Sixth st. where he has been making his home. His death was due to Brights disease. He resided in New York City for several years and was former President of the United States Gagers and Storekeepers of the First and Second Districts of New York.

In Newport he served on the Board of Education and was a Magistrate for one term. Mr. Reed was a veteran of the Civil War and was a great grandson of Lieut. Co. Seth Reed of Revolutionary fame. He was also a relative of Mrs. Burton Harrison, who was killed recently in an automobile accident in New York City. He leaves a widow. The funeral will take place Wednesday afternoon at 2 pm with services at Grace M E Church. Mr. Reed was a member of Newport Lodge of Masons.


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