James Smith

Alexandria Deed Book A, page 76  5 September 1796
Recorded 5 September 1796

Indenture made 5 September 1796 between Thomas Kennedy, Washington Berry, Henry Brasher, and Nathan Kelly, Gentlemen Trustees of the town of Newport of the one part and James Smith of Campbell County of the other part.  Trustees for and in consideration of the sum of 5 pounds paid to James Taylor proprietor of the town of Newport sell in lot No. 17 in the Town of Newport lying on the Esplanade.
Alexandria Deed Book A, page 320  5 April 1798
Recorded May 1798

Deed made 5 April 1798 between James Smith (Brewer) of the Town of Newport of the one part and Richard Southgate of the Town afsd. attorney at law of the other part.  In consideration of the sum of $200 paid by said Richard, James sells 2 out lots included in the 180 acres of land, adjoining the Town of Newport, out lots 15 and 18 each of said lots containing 3 acres.  Sealed and delivered in the presence of us: Will Reddick, Edmd Taylor, John Cooper, James Taylor  NOTE: Out lots 15 and 18 were bought from Nathan Kelly 13 March 1798.
Alexandria Deed Book B, page 18  16 August 1798

Indenture made 16 Aug 1798 between Washington Berry, Henry Brasher, Charles Morgan, and Archibald Brown Gentlemen Trustees of the Town of Newport of one part and James Smith of Campbell County of the other part.  Trustees for and in consideration of the sum of #135 paid to James Taylor proprietor of the Town of Newport sell four lots in the Town of Newport and known in the plan of said Town by Nos. 91, 99, 100 and 103.

In the presence of: James Taylor, Abraham Vastine, Will Reddick, Richard Southgate
Alexandria Deed Book C, page 140  15 July 1806
Recorded 23 September 1806

Indenture made 15 July 1806 between James Smith of the Town of Newport of the one part and Enock Morgan of Campbell County of the other part.  For and in consideration of the sum of $400, James sells a certain lot in the Town of Newport known in the plan of said Town by in lot No. 17.  James Smith and his wife Sarah.
In the presence of: J Bartle, Geo. Porter, James Stevens, Daniel Maxwell
Alexandria Deed Book D-1, page 224  5 Mar 1807
Recorded 22 November 1813

Indenture made 5 Mar 1807 between James Smith of the Town of Newport of the one part and Joseph Todd of the County of Campbell of the other part.  James for and in consideration of the sum of $32.38 sells lot 162 in the Town of Newport.

Jas. Smith, Sarah (her mark) Smith (his wife)
Alexandria Court Order Book 1, page 37  11 May 1807

On the motion of Sarah Smith who made oath & together with George Porter and Robert Fowler her Security entered into and acknowledged their bond in the sum of $1000, conditioned as the law directs Certificate is Granted her obtaining letters of Administration on the estate of James Smith, Dscd in due form.

Ordered that Daniel Mayo, David Lewis, Jonathan Huling, and James McClure or any three of them being first sworn (before a Justice of the peace of this County) to appraise in Current money the slaves (if any) and personal estate of James Smith Deed and return the appraisal to the next Court.
Newport Will Book A, page 113 6 June 1807
Recorded May Court 1807

Inventory of James Smith, deceased by Daniel Mayo, James McClure, David Lewis and Jonathan Huling.  Among items; two barrels containing beer, Tubs and barrels in the Brue house, Steel mault mill
Alexandria Court Order Book 1, page 51, 14 September 1807

Upon the petition of Robert Fowler and George Porter siting forth that they are bound in this Court for Sarah Smith, her due and faithful administrators of the estate of James Smith, deceased and that they apprehend themselves to be in danger of suffering damages by reason of their security, It is ordered that a Summons issue against the said Sarah to cause her to appear here at the next County Court to give unto the said Robt. Fowler & George Porter Counter Security.
Alexandria Court Order Book 1, page 55, 11 October 1807

The Sheriff returned the summons that issued against Sarah Smith Administratrix of James Smith, deceased and David Downard her husband as executed, and the said Sarah and David appeared in Court and the said Sarah voluntarily offered as Security William Downard and the said David Downard whom the Court adjudged sufficient, whereupon the said William and David entered into and acknowledged their bond in the penalty of $1000.  conditioned as the law directs and thereupon the Security in the former bond are discharged from further Securityship.
Alexandria Court Order Book 1, page 70, 20 June 1808

On the application of Joseph Tod, a bond from James Smith deceased to the said Tod is ordered to be recorded the execution of the said bond being proved by the oaths of Jacob Fowler & William Reddick, which said bond is in the words and figures as following to wit.

Be it remembered that for and in consideration of the sum of $35 to me, James Smith of the Town of Newport in hand paid before the sealing and delivery hereof by Joseph Todd the receipt whereof is herby confessed I the said James Smith, oblige myself, my heirs and assigns to make a Deed of warrantee to the said Joseph Todd for a lott in the Town of Newport aforesaid number in the plan of said Town No. 161 one hundred and Sixty-one.  In witness whereunto I set my hand and seal this 5th day of March 1807.  Jas. Smith
Signed, sealed and Delivered in the presence of: Jacob Fowler, Stephen Lyon, John Hughes, William Reddick, J Bartle

And on the application of the said Tod to appoint Commissioners under an act entitled an act to reduce into one the several acts of the conveyance & division of land passed in the year 1797 to Convey a lot in the Town of Newport agreeable to said bond.  It appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that the said James Smith died intestate and that all his heirs are under lawful age and it further appears to the satisfaction of the Court that the purchase money of the sai Lot has been paid, by the acknowledgement of the administratrix in the presence of her husband David Downard in open Court.  Ordered that Richard Southgate, Daniel Mayo and Jacob Barrickman be appointed commissioners for the purpose of conveying.



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