James McDonald

Cincinnati Enquirer, 28 September 1874, page 7

A SAD ACCIDENT-A farmer named James McDonald living in Campbell County and near Alexandria, while hunting in his farm on Saturday, shot a bird which had just flown to the ground. Almost simultaneously with the shot he heard a scream.

The wondering sportsman dropped his gun and made a search for the cause of the painful cry. Imagine his consternation when he found stretched beneath a bush hi little and only son, of about ten years, shot through the right breast and arm. He carried his wounded boy into the house and hastily sent for medical aid.

When the Doctor arrived he comforted the agonized parent by stating that the wounds were of minor seriousness. The gun was loaded with fine shot and the little fellow was a some distance. They only penetrated a little beneath the skin. About twenty of them lodged in him.


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