Private James McConnell

Kentucky Post, Monday, 14 May 1906, page 5

Private James L McConnell, Company M, Fourth Infantry, was doing guard duty at Ft Thomas and one of his orders was to arrest all persons found loafing on his post. This order was issued some time ago by Acting Commandant Major John Tillson.

Major William Wakeman , Post Surgeon and a civilian were standing on a corner in the reservation and they had been standing there for 15 minutes when McConnell, in carrying out Major Tillson's order, threatened to place the surgeon and civilian under arrest if they did not move on. The Major refused to comply with the order of the guard and was inclined to argue the question until McConnell called out, "Corporal of the guard, Post No 2," when he and the civilian quickly moved away and avoided arrest.

Major Wakeman reported the matter to Major Tillson, who summoned McConnell before him. The Acting Commandant proceeded to reprimand the private for his actions, when the latter reminded his superior officer that he was only carrying out his orders. The Major replied that the officers were not included in the rule, as they were there "TO COMMAND" and not to be commanded.


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