James M McClure

Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 22 August 1906, page 5

One of Newport's oldest residents, J W McClure, 86, died early this morning at the home of his son, 12 East Sixth st. Newport. He had been ailing for some months past as a result of the infirmities of old age and his death was not unexpected.

He served on the Newport Board of Councilmen at the time of the passage of the ordinance granting the L&N Railroad the right of way on Saratoga st. one the the main thoroughfares of the city. He bitterly opposed the passage of the ordinance and was upheld by the citizens, but the railroad lobbyists were too powerful and the ordinance became a law with McClure the only dissenting member.

Deceased was also prominent during the rebellion. He was commissioned by Governor Magoffin to raise a company to take part in the war, but the surrender of Lee shortly after put a stop to his efforts in that line.

The arrangements for the funeral have not been made. McClure's son, at whose home his death took place, was formerly City Clerk of Newport and is now with the Western Union Telegraph Co in Cincinnati.

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