James McCloud
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Cincinnati Daily Enquirer, 9 January 1873, page 7


THE Police Commissioners have recommended A Marte to the City Council as a suitable person for Chief of Police. They have also appointed the following policemen: A Woodsides, James McCloud, Wm Hays and Chas Smith.


Cincinnati Daily Enquirer, 1 November 1873, page 5


GEORGE FENNEL, who is charged with acting as a policeman without due authority, whose trial was set for yesterday, made an attempt to escape, but was frustrated by Officer McCloud, who secured his arrest in Cincinnati. In the evening about seven o'clock he was made to appear before Squire Maphet for trial, but waived an examination and gave bond in the sum of $100 for his appearance at the next term of the Criminal Court.


Cincinnati Enquirer, 30 April 1892, page 6


Mr. James McCloud, who served on the police force in this city and was prominent among river men, died last Monday at his home in Blair, Neb. in the seventy-seventh year of his age.

He is the father of ex-officer John McCloud, who has lately returned from Blair after taking what proved to be a farewell look at his esteemed parent. The venerable gentleman left here eighteen years ago.


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