Dr. James Oliver and Mary Jenkins

From the Biographical Cyclopedia of the Commonwealth of Kentucky, published by the John M Gresman Company, Chicago-Philadelphia 1896, page 106

DOCTOR JAMES OLIVER JENKINS, of Newport, Kentucky, one of the leading and most successful members of the medical profession of that city, is a native of Cincinnati, Ohio.  Born August 8, 1815, son of William and Lemarian (Mann) Jenkins.  William Jenkins was born in Bristol, England, and came here with his parents to the United States in 1820.  In 1846 William Jenkins removed to Cincinnati, which has been his home ever since.  William Jenkins is now seventy-nine years of age, has always been a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church and is a Republican in politics.  In his early manhood he learned the trade of tanning, which he carried on, in connection with his father and brothers, for a number of years.

John Jenkins (grandfather) was also a native of England, who, after his arrival in this country in 1820, located with his family at Newark NJ, whence he removed in 1824 to Northern Pennsylvania, where he remained until the time of his death, which occurred in 1858.  William Jenkins wedded Lemarian Mann, a native of Cincinnati in 1850.

Dr. James O Jenkins spent his youth in his native city and was educated in the public schools.  After leaving school in 1869 he commenced to learn the trade of electro-plating, but gave it up soon on account of ill-health.  After recovering his health he was employed as assistant librarian for a number of years in the "Public Library in Cincinnati" and during that time he occupied his spare moments in the study of medicine.  In the fall of 1873 he entered the Ohio Medical College and after two years of study was graduated with honors from that well-known institution in the class of 1882.  He immediately located in Newport, Kentucky, where he has since practiced and earned a reputation as one of the most successful general practitioners in Northern Kentucky.

Dr. Jenkins is a member of the State Medical Society and of the Mississippi Valley Medical Association and is a contributor to some of the leading medical journals of the country.

He was married in 1883 to Mary A Clark, daughter of John Clark of Cincinnati and they have one son and two daughters:  Robert C, Ruth L and Grace, one daughter Helen, having died of pneumonia October 4, 1886.

Dr. Jenkins is Democratic in politics and after the organization of the Board of Health of Newport in 1892, he was one of its first members.  He has always taken an active and conspicuous part in the cause of education, and in 1893 was elected president of the Board of Education of the City of Newport for a term of two years, ending December 31, 1895.

Jenkins Hospital in Newport


Dr. James Oliver Jenkins 1927 Obituary


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