James Hasson

From the Kentucky Post September 5, 1912

The funeral of James Hasson, the youth whose body was found under the L&N bridge, Cincinnati, late Tuesday, was held this morning from the residence of his mother, Mrs. Etta Price, of 221 James-st. Newport.  Mrs. Price had been the wife of Frank Hasson before marrying Price.

The body was found late Tuesday night by Harry Young, of Golden-st., Latonia and Wm Metcalf, of Madison-av. Covington, who declared to the police that they did not know the lad or how he met his death.

The remains were identified yesterday by Mrs. Alice Clark of 718 East Pearl-st. Cincinnati, young Hasson's aunt, who stated that her nephew and Metcalf and Young were at her house until 10 o'clock Tuesday night, when they all started for their homes.

Coroner Coe, of Hamilton co. was notified and this morning he had Metcalf and Young appear at the inquest.  Lieut. Prope learned that the three youths climbed over coal hoppers and sheds on Butler-st. with the intention of crossing the bridge.  It is thought that young Hasson came in contact with a live wire and was electrocuted, his body falling to the railroad tracks.

Dr. James Jennie made a postmortem examination of the remains upon order of Coroner Coe.  It was found that the boy's death was due entirely to electrocution.  His hands were found to be terribly burned, and hell burned so deep that it appeared to be crushed.  One great burn appeared across the abdomen and penetrated through so deep that the intestines protruded.

It was thought at first that the boy's body had been struck by a train, but the examination showed that he must have come in contact with a live wire, with his hands first and then have fallen across another wire, then fell to the railroad tracks.  The police claim that this proves the theory that the boys attempted to climb onto the bridge.


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