James Caldwell

Cincinnati Daily Enquirer, Saturday, 1 April 1865, page 3

GUERRILLAS-We learn that the band of guerrillas who were lately committing depredations in the southern part of Campbell County, and who left last week with their booty, are again in that section, having been driven back by the Bracken County Home Guards.

It is reported that the guerrillas are commanded by the notorious Jim Caldwell. A force has been sent out from Falmouth to capture the party, which it is believed will be accomplished, as the militia of Bracken county have cut off the retreat of the rebels by their old route through that county.


Cincinnati Daily Enquirer, Wednesday, 17 May 1865, page 3

RETURNED-James Caldwell, former resident of Campbell County, and late of the Confederate army, came into the city of Louisville during the last week and took the oat of allegiance to the United States Government, in the presence of the Provost Marshal of that city and under the sanction of Major General Palmer.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Saturday, 8 July 1905, page 16

James Caldwell, a prominent citizen of Campbell County, is critically ill at his home on Tenth street, near Brighton, the result of blood poisoning. Some time ago he scratched his hand and the injury failed to heal. Caldwell is a Confederate veteran and one of the best known men in Newport.


Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 12 July 1905, page 5

James Caldwell, a Confederate veteran of the Civil War, died at his home Tenth and Brighton sts. Newport, yesterday aged 68. A few weeks ago he scratched his hand on a rusty nail in a screen door, resulting in blood poisoning.

The funeral took place this morning. Members of Corbin and Pryor Tandy Camps of Confederate veterans had charge of the service.

Brig. Gen J M Arnold requests all Confederate soldiers to assemble at the corner of Tenth and Brighton sts. Newport at 10 am. Wednesday, July 12 to attend the funeral of James Caldwell, late Adjutant of William F Conlin Camp. Please wear a red and white carnation on lapel of coat.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Wednesday, 12 July 1905, page 9

BLOOD POISON CAUSED DEATH-James Caldwell, a Confederate Veteran of the Civil War, died at his home, Tenth and Brighton streets, Newport, yesterday aged 68.   A few weeks ago, he scratched his hand on a rusty nail in a screen door, resulting in blood poisoning.  Upon returning from the war he engaged in the culture of leaf tobacco and soon acquired a fortune.

The storehouse erected at Third and Saratoga streets still stands.  His father is one of the most prominent and extensive farmers in Campbell County.  The funeral will take place this morning from the First Baptist Church.  Corbin Camp of Confederate Veterans of which Mr. Caldwell was Adjutant, will have charge of the services.

The pallbearers will be Major Samuel Bigstaff, Colonel M Arnold, Colonel J Taylor Williams and M R Lockhart.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Thursday, 13 July 1905, page 9

The funeral of James Caldwell, an old Confederate veteran took place yesterday morning with services at the First Baptist Church. The Confederate Veterans Association had full charge.

Comrade James M Arnold delivered the oration.  The pallbearers were Captain Steve Sharp, Colonel James Arnold, Colonel J Taylor Williams, D B Baylias and M R Lockhart.  The remains were interred at Evergreen Cemetery.


CALDWELL, James Newport Ky. b-5 May 1842; enlisted May 1862; Co L 8th KY Cav. enlisted at Poplar Plains KY; in prison 3 hours; s-at Louisville KY. May 25, 1865; member Wm F Corbin Camp No 683.

From Well Known Confederate Veterans And Their War Records (Wm. E. Mickle)


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