Captain James Brogan


Cincinnati Daily Enquirer, 22 June 1861, page 2


THE MILITARY COMING-We noticed yesterday that Captain James Brogan, of the ferry boat Newport Belle, was very busy fitting up his boat for the transportation of troops.  He will leave with the Belle this morning at eight o'clock for Camp Clay for the purpose of bringing down to Cincinnati the first Kentucky Regiment, in command of Colonel Guthrie.

Each regiment is to be presented with a flag, which will be done by the Hon. Henry Stanbery, at No 140 Broadway at one o'clock.


Cincinnati Daily Enquirer, 7 March 1865, page 3


MAYOR'S COURT-C Brenner, A Revere, and Wm Bentley, peddling without license; fined $5 each; James Brogan and Thomas Morton, breach of the peace, fined $9 each; C Hoffstutter and Wm Cummings, disorderly conduct, fined $5 each.


Cincinnati Enquirer, 21 August 1882, page 5

Society Notices

THE MEMBERS OF GUIDING STAR LODGE, No 45 K of P are notified to meet at their Castle Hall at 1 PM Monday, August 21st, to attend the funeral of our deceased brother, James Brogan, by order of the C C.


Cincinnati Enquirer, 20 June 1898, page 8

GRAVES: Of Departed Pythians in Evergreen Cemetery Decorated with Flowers by Knights and Little Girls

A more beautiful day could not have been asked for than that of yesterday for the Knights of Pythias memorial service which took place in the afternoon at Evergreen Cemetery.  The Members of Newport Ky. and Guiding Star Lodge No 45, of Dayton Ky. assembled at their headquarters at 1:30 o'clock and together with their families took care to the cemetery.  At 3 o'clock all assembled at the grave, where memorial services were held according to the programme published in yesterday's ENQUIRER.

At the conclusion of the services the graves of 50 dead brethren, which were marked with United States and K of P flags, were decorated with beautiful flowers by the hands of loving friends and relatives.  The lodges had 50 little girls, all dressed in white and wearing a red and blue sash, drawn up in line, each carrying a floral emblem of the order.  At a given signal they marched around and deposited flowers on the grave of each departed Knight.

The following is a complete list of the dead whose graves were decorated;
Eureka Lodge No 7; B J West, H C Rambo, Charles J Bross, Thomas W Shellow, Eugene A Dumont, John L Jones, John W Christy, Thomas Hodgson, William Boden, John H Speckman, Charles Mosher, X Sine, Adam Schweitzer, Fred W Biehl, John E Shelow, John H Gunkel, Hugh C Nelson, Cliff L Stone, Robert M Ware, David Short, John M Drake, Harry P Taylor, Robert Curtis, William H McHugh.

Guiding Star Lodge No 45; J C Steel, J Richards, H H Jinks, John Weaver, Chas Birkley, Joseph H Quinby, George Holtzman, Henry Phister, Archibald Truesdell, JAMES BROGAN, W L Smith, C L Vernzable, John Wilson, Harry N Kellar.


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