James Bell

Cincinnati Enquirer, Monday, 23 June 1890, page 7

JAMES BELL, Newport, caused a warrant to be issued last evening for Edward Epton, who James alleges threatened to kill him on sight.  Both are colored.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Tuesday, 11 August 1891, page 7

Jim Bell (colored) Newport, was jailed last night for disorderly conduct.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Saturday, 3 December 1892, page 6


James Bell, the colored man who made such a murderous assault on Wash Calloway, also colored, with a pitchfork on Sunday last, was bound over yesterday to the grand jury in the sum of 4300 by Squire Bodkin.  The injured man disclosed a horrible wound on the side of his face in Court yesterday. And indicating which two of the prongs of the fork were broken off.

Dr. Caruthers, the attending physician says that unless blood poison were to set in there is no further danger anticipated.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Saturday, 27 July 1895, page 6

James Bell, a colored express man reports that two pairs of trousers were stolen from his house on Second street, Newport, during the absence of the family yesterday.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Monday, 30 September 1901, page 7

James Bell, colored, of Newport, will be tried this morning on a charge of disorderly conduct.  He and James Smith had a fight in Neblett's restaurant several days ago and Bell gave himself up Saturday.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Thursday, 3 October 1901, page 8

In the Police Court, Newport, James Bell, for disorderly conduct, was fined $20 and 15 days.


Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 17 February 1904, page 5

Mayor Helmbold paroled James Bell, colored, who was sent up on a charge of disorderly conduct.


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