James Barbour

Cincinnati Daily Enquirer, 23 March 1859, page 3


"Let Me Die Among My Kinsmen" Such a fate was not allotted to our late fellow citizen, James Barbour, who decrease we announced several weeks ago. It will be remembered that he left here as assistant engineer of the steamer Tigress, for the South and that intelligence was received not long after of his being accidentally killed on the boat while she was running in Black River, Louisiana.

Mr. Thomas McGinnis, chief engineer of the Tigress, also a citizen of this place, returned home on Saturday last, and reports that after the unlucky catastrophe had happened, the body of the deceased was taken to New Orleans and deposited in the St Louis burying ground.

His widow still resides in Newport. Young Barbour was for a long time in the employ of Captain Air running on the ferry boats.


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