Jacob Gettle

Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 27 August 1907, page 5

Officers of William Nelson Post GAR, Newport, have been unable to locate any of the relatives of Jacob Gettle, a Civil War soldier, who is buried in Evergreen Cemetery and for whose grave a headstone has been ordered.

It has been learned that Gettle, who was a native of Newport, served through the war and died after being mustered out. Members of the post are desirous of hearing from his relatives.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Tuesday, 27 August 1907, page 9

LOOKING FOR GETTLE'S RELATIVES-Quartermaster Armstrong, of William Nelson Post, GAR, has been unable to locate any relatives of Jacob Gettle, a Civil War soldier, and for whose grave a headstone has been ordered.

It has been learned that Gettle, who was a native of this city, served through the war and died after being mustered out. Quartermaster Armstrong is desirous of hearing from relatives, if there be any still alive.


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