Pilot Jacob Crawford

Cincinnati Daily Enquirer, Sunday, 8 January 1860, page 3


We were somewhat startled yesterday morning with the remark made by one of our citizens, that there were four "river men" residents of this city, dead and preparing for burial.  When inquiring who they were, we were informed that Jacob H Crawford, a pilot on the Ohio River, and son-in-law of L M Eckert, died yesterday morning of congestion of the brain.

It was but a week or ten days ago that he arrived home in apparent health; it was a sudden attack and it was a sudden attack "taking off" even while he was hardly yet in the prime of his life.  Mr. Crawford had many virtues in a moral point of view, which tended to exalt him among his fellow men, who will deeply lament his loss.  He leaves behind a young widow, who like Rachel in the Scriptures "will not be comforted because he is not." His funeral will take place tomorrow.


Cincinnati Commercial Tribune, Tuesday, 10 January 1860, page 4

The remains of Pilot Jacob H Crawford were interred in Newport yesterday. A large number of Pilots attended the funeral.


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