Captain Jacob Clark

Kentucky Post, Monday, 29 April 1907, page 5


Newport friends of Jacob Clark, who was sentenced two years ago inthe Campbell Circuit Court to serve 10 years in Frankfort prison for assault, are circulating a petition to be sent to Gov Beckham asking for his parole. John M Clark, brother of the prisoner has already secured the names of several hundred prominent Newport citizens and also a number of county and city officials.

The petition recalls one of the most bitterly fought cases tried in the Circuit Court in Newport. Five years ago, Clark was arrested on the charge of attacking a little girl named Hoskins. For three years the case was contested in the courts, the juries disagreeing each time, until two years ago, when he was convicted and sentenced to the penitentiary for ten years.

Clark was a Captain on a steamboat plying on the Ohio River, and was the owner of several fine boats. He was the owner of considerable real estate in Newport nearly all of which he lost in fighting for his freedom. A few days ago John Clark received a letter from his brother in which he stated that his health had been greatly impaired and that he was threatened with consumption. The relatives who gave up nearly everything they had in fighting his case in the courts, are again interceding to secure his freedom.

Since his incarceration Clark's wife secured a divorce from him on the ground that he had been convicted of a crime.


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