Isaac Stebbins

Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 29 February 1916, page 1

Edward Stoney, 44, who died at the home, 519 West Eighth st. Newport at 1 am Tuesday was a lifelong resident here. He leaves a widow and one daughter. Mary 18. His wife was Nannie Stebbins, daughter of Isaac Stebbins, Civil War Veteran.


Kentucky Post, Friday, 1 February 1918, page 1

Issa Stebbins, 75, died at his home Eighth and Ann streets, Newport, Thursday. He is survived by two sons and two daughters. Stebbins was a member of Nelson Post GAR veterans. The funeral arrangements have not been made.


Kentucky Post, Saturday, 2 February 1918, page 1

The funeral of Isaac Stebbens, 75, Civil War veteran, who died at his home, Eighth and Ann streets, Newport, Friday, will be held Monday morning with services at the Immaculate Conception. Stebbens was an active member of William Nelson Post Co A R and was well known throughout Newport.

He is survived by two sons and two daughters.

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