Isaac Marsh

Cincinnati Enquirer, 7 June 1878, page 7


The venerable Isaac Marsh, mention of whose dangerous illness was made in Sunday's Enquirer, bade farewell to all things earthly and passed away quietly in death shortly after 12 o'clock yesterday in the eighty-seventh year of his age.

Deceased was a veteran of the War of 1812, for which he was drawing a pension up to the time of his death. He came to Hamilton County, Ohio in the year 1796 and moved to Grants Lick, this county, in 1814. Before his marriage shortly after his arrival in this county, he made several trips to New Orleans on a flat boat and footing it back.

Mr. Marsh was an old time Democrat, taking an active part and voting at every election until the past year, when he was compelled to remain away on account of his feeble heath.


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