Isaac P Gould

Kentucky Post, Thursday, 11 July 1895, page 6

Dr. I P Gould stole a march, or tried to, on his friends here last night. Late in the afternoon the medical gentleman secured a marriage license at the county clerk's office in Newport. He then went to the residence of Mrs. Pondstone, where he found Miss Josephine Francis, of Zanesville, O. in readiness. Rev G G Clark happened (?) along and made the two one.

By this time the word had been passed around and in a short time, the booming of cannon, ringing of belles, tooting of horns, mingled with the dazzling glare of red and green fire, formed a fitting ending to the evening. Dr. Gould has changed his name and is to be known hereafter as "Man afraid to show his face." The best wishes of Bellevue are with the young couple.


Kentucky Post, Monday, 5 August 1895, page 7

Charles Speitz was taken to Dr. I P Gould's office. Dr. Gould ordered Speitz sent to St Elizabeth Hospital, Covington. He was reported dead this morning. Speitz is a widower with two children and lives with his mother on Van Voast Avenue, Bellevue.


Kentucky Post, Friday, 16 August 1895, page 7

Dr. I P Gould and bride have gone to housekeeping on Fairfield Avenue, Bellevue.


Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 20 August 1895, page 7

The teachers examination for Bellevue will be held at Balke Opera House on next Monday, Aug 26, at 9 am sharp. All desiring to take the examination must file their applications with Dr. I P Gould this week.


Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 10 September 1895, page 7

Charles Feltman, a young boy, was knocked from a porch at his home in the Highlands this morning by a calf. He was severely injured, suffering a dislocated hip and a broken ankle. Dr. I P Gould reduced the dislocation and set the fracture.


Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 11 September 1895, page 7

Dr. I P Gould and wife leave tomorrow morning for Zanesville O. for the remainder of the week. While there Dr. Gould will officiate as chief surgeon in an extremely difficult operative case.


Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 27 Nov 1895, page 7

Dr. I P Gould this afternoon injected antitoxine into little Marie Borcher, aged 20 months of Foote Avenue, Bellevue. Little Marie has a serious attack of diphtheria and this was done as a last resort. Dr. Gould is the first physician in Campbell County to use antitoxine.


Kentucky Post, Monday, 2 December 1895, page 5

Little Miss Marie Borcher, on whom Dr. Gould used antioxine last week, has every prospect for a rapid recovery. Her throat cleared up in 36 hours.


Kentucky Post, Friday, 21 August 1896, page 5

Dora Chapter, Order of the Eastern Star, will give a garden party Sep 1, at the residence of Mrs. I P Gould, corner Ward Avenue and Poplar Street, Bellevue.


Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 9 August 1899, page 5

Mrs. John Francis and children of Montgomery Ala. are the guests of Dr. I P Gould and wife. Dr. Gould returned Tuesday night from Henderson Ky. where he has been transacting business.


Kentucky Post, Monday, 2 October 1899, page 5

Dr. I P Gould and wife and Mr. and Mrs. Gribble, of Ward Avenue, Belleuve, left Saturday night for a tour of New York and Boston and other Eastern cities.


Kentucky Post, Thursday, 16 November 1899, page 5

Squire Walter Forster and Dr. I P Gould met with a peculiar experience while hunting up the Little Miami River last week. A fine pointer that was borrowed for the occasion was the victim. It was running along the edge of the river and the doctor, thinking it was a duck, shot the dog. The dog ran yelping with pain and Forster, thinking it was after a rabbit, emptied both barrels of a shotgun into the animal.


Kentucky Post, Monday, 20 November 1899, page 5

The 5 year old child of Mr. and Mrs. John Lucas is improving after a serious illness of membranous croup. For a time the child's life hung on a thread and an operation was performed, a silver tube was inserted in such a manner that it could be used for breathing. A case of this kind is rarely cured. Dr. I P Gould is in attendance.


Kentucky Post, Monday, 19 January 1903, page 7

Mrs. J F Schumate, of Van Voast Avenue, Bellevue, suffered a slight paralytic stroke Saturday. Dr. Gould attended her.


Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 14 April 1903, page 3

Mrs. Clara Francis and daughter, Eva, of Newark O. and Mrs. Charles Poundstone of Wheeling W Va. are the guests of Dr. and Mrs. I P Gould of Ward Avenue, Bellevue.


Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 13 May 1903, page 5

The Board of School Examiners, consisting of Rev Amon Boreing, Rev J M Bramkamp and Dr. I P Gould will hold examination of teachers at the Poplar Street School Building on Friday and Saturday.


Kentucky Post, Friday, 11 September 1903, page 10

During a quarrel between Dr. I Gould and N C Colter, a traveling salesman in Bellevue Thursday afternoon, the latter fired two shots at the doctor, both bullets missing. The affair took place in the alley near Van Voast and Fairfield Avenues and was witnessed by a number of children. Those who saw the encounter say the men met near the entrance to the alley and after an exchange of words Colter struck the physician, the men clinched and broke apart and Colter pulled a pistol and fired the shots.

The bullets went wide of the mark is probably due tothe fact that Colter's sight is defective and he is compelled to wear glasses. In the mix-up he lost his glasses and consequently shot wild.


Kentucky Post, Friday, 11 December 1903, page 8

At a meeting of the Bellevue City Council Thursday night Chief John W Ratliff was re-elected without opposition. Dr. I P Goud was elected Health Officer.


Kentucky Post, Friday, 26 February 1904, page 5

The new Board of Health, which was recently elected by the Bellevue City Council, met Thursday night and elected Dr. I P Gould, Health Officer. Dr. Gould had held the position under the old Board of Health. The creation of the new Board of Health was the result of a defect found in the manner of appointing the old board, which was brought out at the trial of Dr. W D Richards, who was arrested last December upon a warrant sworn out by W C Peppard of Walnut Hills.

Peppard alleged that Dr. Richards had failed to report a contagious disease. At the trial it was developed that the Health Board then in power had been appointed by the mayor, instead of being elected by council, as provided by the charter. The new board was accordingly elected as provided by law.


Kentucky Post, Saturday, 25 March 1905, page 3

Dr. Gould and Young have performed an operation upon Lloyd Everly of Berry av. Bellevue, who sustained a fracture of the arm about seven weeks ago. The arm refused to heal properly and the physicians found it necessary to break it again and reset it.


Kentucky Post, Saturday, 5 August 1905, page 7

Dr. I P Gould, President of the Board of Health has examined 12 samples of milk which he took from the wagons which deliver the fluid in Bellevue, and he has filed his report with the council. It is thought the samples have been found up to the requisite standard. A bill for $36 will be presented to the council to be acted upon.

Dr. Gould said; "Bellevue is in no danger of contagion. Although the sewerage is faulty, the city is clean and there is no danger of contagion getting a foothold in this city. It is exceptionally healthy.


Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 11 December 1906, page 5

The Blue Grass Aerie of Eagles elected the following last night at a meeting in the Balke Opera House: Dr. I P Gould was appointed as the physician.


Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 22 March 1910, page 5

Peter J Olinger, wife and child and maid, residing at 132 Division st. Bellevue, were taken ill yesterday as a result of eating some canned fruit. Dr. I P Gould was summoned and administered antidotes.


Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 16 May 1916, page 1

In a shooting on Fairfield av. Tuesday, Robert Rohrer, 27, of Bellevue, was shot in the ankle by Dr. I P Gould, a well known Bellevue physician. Gould drove up in his auto and stopped. A second later the shot was fired. Gould went to his home whence Chief Seither took him to police headquarters. Dr. Gould refused to discuss the shooting except he had a revolver which he carried in the morning and which he was trying out.


Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 21 June 1916, page 1

The filing of a  petition on June 13 in Campbell Circuit Court Clerk's office became public Wednesday after a decree  of divorce had been granted Mrs. Josephine L Gould from Dr. I P Gould, Bellevue physician. Mrs. Gould was divorced from her husband on ground of cruelty. According to the deposition, the shooting  of Robert Rohrer, Bellevue candy man by Dr. Gould, spelled the final epoch in a chain of difficulties between man and wife.

She said her mother was dying in Luverne Ala. and Dr. Gould and she were there, he staying but two days and returned to Bellevue. He failed to conduct his business. Then Mrs. Gould's mother died, but Dr. Gould was not informed. "I did not say anything. I just thought maybe he came back to Bellevue on account of business, but when I came home, I found he had neglected his business.

She says they made up that following winter and one night in March she went to a Newport picture show. Returning home he was incensed and accused her of being out with Rohrer. He choked her, she said. Later he asked her to go riding. She did to keep the peace. She slept on floors during the last three months they lived together. Mrs. Gould and the doctor drove to Covington the day before the shooting. They disagreed and he made her walk home.

The next day he awakened her and threatened to brand her with nitric acid. They went to Mrs. Smith's next door to Rohrer's candy store about noon. Rohrer stepped out of his store and nearby was shot in the ankle by Dr. Gould. She has not seen him since.


Kentucky  Post, Saturday, 1 July 1916, page 1

Following indictments were dismissed: Dr. I P Gould, charged with shooting to kill Robert Rohner.


Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 19 September 1917, page 2

The marriage of Dr. I P Gould to Miss Beulah M See was solemnized at St John Evangelical Church by Rev J L Kramer Monday.


Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 28 September 1921, page 2

Dr. I P Gould, prominent physician of Bellevue, is ill at his home 706 Fairfield av.


Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 5 October 1921, page 1

Dr. Isaac P Gould, 50, prominent physician of 706 Fairfield av. Bellevue, died Tuesday at his home after a short illness. The funeral is to be held from the residence Friday afternoon, at 2 pm. The Newport Elks of which lodge Gould was a member, will hold services at the home Thursday night. Burial will be in the Highland Cemetery, Covington.

Dr. Gould was a lifelong resident of Bellevue and a graduate of the Bellevue High School. His parents came to Bellevue in 1883. Dr. Gould was educated at the Ohio Medical College and at John Hopkins University. He was a member of Elks, Knights  of Pythias and Woodmen of the World. Dr. Gould became ill about two weeks ago and has been confined to his bed about ten days. His death was due to acute neuritis.

Dr. Gould is survived by his widow, his  mother, two brothers and a sister, who lives in Los Angeles, California.


Kentucky Post, Friday, 7 October 1921, page 1

Funeral services for Dr. I P Gould were held Friday at 2 pm from his home, Bellevue. Burial was in Highland Cemetery. George Kiefer, Matt Harold Sr. Charles Schatzmann, Dr. Lloyd Everly, Dr. Edward Halloran and George Dameron served as pallbearers.


Isaac P Gould's first wife, Josephine L Francis died in 1964 in Los Angeles and was buried in Evergreen Cemetery in Los Angeles.

Isaac P Gould's second wife, Bertha See died in Covington in 1970 and was buried in Highland Cemetery.


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