Home Culture Club

Kentucky Post, Saturday, 28 March 1903, page 5

The Home Culture Club of Newport elected the following Thursday night for the year:

President, Miss Alice Runnells; Vice President, Miss Bessie Stein; Secretary, Miss Emma Runnells; Treasurer, Miss Alma Scherer; program committee, Misses Joseph Behrman, Elizabeth Enwright, Mrs. John Todd and Miss Belle Barnes. The next meeting will be at the home of Miss Josephine Behrman on Monroe Street.


Kentucky Post, Friday, 24 April 1903, page 3

The Home Culture Club of Newport was entertained by Mrs. John Todd Thursday night at her home on East Fifth Street. The following program was rendered on the occasion:

King Lear, Alice Behrmann; Merry Wives of Windsor, Alma Scherer; readings from Richard III, Mrs. John Todd; sketch of Julius Caesar, Elizabeth Enwright; A Trip to Hawaii, Josephine Behrman.


Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 13 October 1903, page 5

The Home Culture Club of Newport has elected the following: President, Miss Alice Runnels; Vice President, Miss Bessie Stein; Secretary, Miss Emma Runnels; Treasurer, Miss Aling Scherer; Manager, Miss Edith N Venables.


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