Hiram Grizzel


Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 10 August 1904, page 5

A Baptist church has been organized at Mentor Ky. with 75 members. At a meeting held addresses were made by Rev C J Bagly, Rev Amos Stout, Rev Hiram Grizzel and Rev W C Pettit. The Daniels building has been purchased for a temporary meeting place. Rev Fowler, of Walnut Hills will be the pastor.


Kentucky Post, Saturday, 14 May 1910, page 5

A marriage license was issued at the County Clerk's office in Alexandria to H C Rader, 56, and Lizzie Merrell, 47, well known Campbell co. residents. They will be married tomorrow morning by Rev Hiram Grizzel at the German Lutheran parsonage.


Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 24 July 1912, page 5

Miss Gusta Condit had for her Sunday guests, Rev T G Nelson, Rev Hiram Grizzell, Mr. and Mrs. Knox Carmack, Miss Daisy and Roberta Wagoner.


Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 7 August 1912, page 5

Rev Hiram Grizzel held services at the Hickory Grove schoolhouse Sunday afternoon.


Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 30 September 1913, page 6

The Pension Board of the State of Kentucky yesterday allowed pensions to Campbell co. residents as follows: Hiram Grizzel and Susan S Opie.


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