Herman Timmerman

Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 4 February 1908, page 5


Herman Timmerman, 73, a tailor residing at 822 Park av. Newport dropped death last night at the corner of Ninth and Overton sts. while on his way home, accompanied by his son John Timmerman. He had been ailing for some time and last night, accompanied by his two sons, John and Joseph Timmerman went to Dr. Back's office, at Ninth and Washington av. The latter gave Timmerman a prescription and on the way home, Joseph left his brother and father to get the prescription filled.

The father and brother reached the corner when Timmerman gave a gasp and sank to the ground. Dr. Back was summoned but before he arrived Timmerman died. The body was removed to his home. Coroner Digby decided that death was due to heart trouble. The deceased leaves a family of grown children and a widow.

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