Herbert Allen Williams


Kentucky Post, Monday, 29 September 1947, page 1

The drums were muffled and the bugles were muted for members of the Kersten-O'Day Post, Veterans of Foreign Wars, Bellevue and Dayton. Herbert Williams, 73 year old Spanish American War veterns had marched on. But fellow members of the group believed he died as he would have wanted to Mr. Williams was participating in a drum and bugle corps competition at the resqui-centennial celebration at Augusta Sunday, when he was stricken fatally with a heart attack.

He was blowing his bugle proudly when his marching steps faltered and he fell. Mr. Williams made his home at 3508 Saybrook avenue, Cincinnati. Although he was an Ohioan he was responsible for the founding of the Kentucky drum and bugle corps and to most members he was "Dad".

Harry Herms, commander of the corps, requested all members of the group to meet at 7 pm Tuesday at their headquarters at Sixth and Main avenues, Dayton, where they will be provided transportation to the White funeral home, Cincinnati. There they will bid farewell to a courageous campaigner.


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