Henry Weidner

Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 11 September 1906, page 5

From the President of the German National Bank of Newport, to a hard working stableman in the barns of the Wiedemann Brewing Co. is the rough road traveled by Henry Weidner, 65, of 720 Washington av. Newport. "I know it seems as if I had fallen from the sublime to the ridiculous," said Weidner Monday, "but to tell the truth, I'm mighty proud to think that some one would trust me and put me to work. I was the Vice President of the bank at the start, then Mr. Shaw died and I succeeded him as President.

For three years I was at the head of the bank and then the crash came. Frank Brown put everything in his wife's name and then got out, leaving me with everything on my shoulders. It hasn't worried me, you see. I'm happy now and have regained my weight, 250. Pretty healthy for a man who is supposed to be half dead eh? It took all we had, my wife and myself, but we paid it all to the depositors, after Frank Brown absconded and to die an honest man I went to work.

I'm working hard for promotion and think I'll get it sooner or later, for Mr. Wiedemann is the only friend that stood up for me. Don't trust your own family. They and your friends will stick to you like dear life when you've got money but the minute it's gone, they're the first to cut your throat."

The stable boss gave some order, Weidner grabbed his sponge and got back to work. "Quite different from sitting in a swell office and cutting coupons, isn't it? But it'll all come out right some day." and he went back to work shining up the woodwork of the stalls.


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