Henry Scharstein


Cincinnati Enquirer, 10 March 1877, page 7


SUICIDE BY DROWNING-Henry Scharstein, a German, residing at No 155 Orchard street, left home Thursday night about seven o'clock, telling his wife he was going to the Lodge room and would not return until late that night. About three hours afterward his coat, hat and a letter were found on the bow of the ferry boat Cincinnati Belle by the night Captain Mr. John Morrow, who immediately informed police officer Cottingham and delivered to him the articles found.

In the letter he stated his reason for committing suicide.  For several years past, the unfortunate man had been suffering from rheumatism and neuralgia, which in all probability affected his mind to some extent.  Scharstein was a member of the Queen City Lodge, Ancient Order of United Workingmen of Cincinnati, and Odd Fellows, Red Men and Good fellows of this city.

A reward of $30 is offered for the recovery of the body.


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