Henry Ralfus

Kentucky Post, Monday, 19 January 1903, page 7

After being given up for dead Henry Ralfus, 58, a tailor of Patterson Street, Newport, has been found but at death's door. He mysteriously disappeared from his home four years ago and nothing was heard from him until two years ago, when it was learned he was in St Louis. All trace of him was lost for a second time and Saturday a stepdaughter, also of Newport, received a message from the Cincinnati Hospital stating Ralfus was dying and requested she be notified.

It was thought after his first disappearance he had been drowned.


Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 20 January 1903, page 5

A case of mistaken identity has caused much commotion in the family of Mrs. Anna Weigant, of 831 Central Avenue, Newport. A report was brought to her that her stepfather, Henry Rolfus (sic) who left home mysteriously four years ago, was in a hospital in Cincinnati dying. Mrs. Weigand told a Post reporter she called at all the hospitals, but could find no trace of him.

At the Betts Street Hospital Mrs. Weigand thought her stepfather had an assumed name and described him to the Superintendent. She received word that a man answering the description was there, but his name was Burlinger. When Mrs. Weigand saw him she was shocked, thinking at first it was her stepfather. Learning it was not, she came to the conclusion that a friend saw this man and mistook him for Rolfus and sent her word. She will be thankful for any news of her stepfather and will again try to locate him.


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