Henry McDonnell

Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 13 March 1906, page 3

The funeral of Harry McDonnell, a veteran of the Civil War, took place this morning at 9 am with services at the Immaculate Conception Church, Newport. A solemn requiem mass was celebrated, after which the remains were taken to St Stephen Cemetery.

The members of the William Nelson Post GAR of which McDonnell was a member, attended the funeral in a body. The post also held services at the home of the deceased, 515 Overton st.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Wednesday, 14 March 1906, page 9

The remains of Henry McDonnell, a veteran of the Civil War, were yesterday interred at St Stephen Cemetery. The members of the GAR post attended the funeral in a body. They also held services at the family residence, 515 Overton street, Newport.


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