Henry M Healy

Cincinnati Enquirer, Monday, 10 February 1899, page 10


Henry M Healy died yesterday morning about 6 o'clock at his late residence, 1012 Central Avenue, Newport Ky. Mr. Healy was 60 years of age and was born in Ireland. He came to Newport 35 years ago. Previous to that time he had resided at Albany NY, where as page in the New York Assembly, association with such great men as Conklin, Francis Kernan and Governor Dix fitted him for the active political life which he took up shortly after coming to Newport.

In politics he was an old line Jackson Democrat and in the beliefs of his party he never wavered. He was on every Executive Committee of Newport, except the present one and faily health was all that kept him off it. He Newport he served as Secretary and Treasurer of the Suburban Electric Company until four years ago.

He was the sole owner of the stationery and book store on Walnut street in Cincinnati for the past 13 years. He was kind to the poor and needy, and a host of friends will mourn his death. He leaves three sons, Thomas, Frank and Harry and four daughters, Nellie, Lizzie, May and Ida Healy.


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