Colonel Harry Leland Haskell

Kentucky Post, Monday, 14 September 1903, page 5

Col. Harry Leland Haskell is to be the new commander of the Third Infantry, according to a telegram received at Ft Thomas Sunday. He is at present stationed at Ft Bliss, Tex. and will arrive within a week at Ft Thomas. Some time ago a rumor was circulated that Col. Whitall was coming to take charge of the Third Infantry. He has been assigned to the Twenty-seventh.

Col. Haskell, or Dad Haskell, as he is known among the fighting men of the United States Army, has an enviable army record. It is told in the army register as follows:

Harry S (sic) Haskell: born in Maine; appointed from New York; Private and Sergeant Major, One Hundred and Twenty-fifth New York Infantry, Aug 26 1862 to March 16, 1863; made Second Lieutenant One Hundred and Twenty-fifth New York Infantry March 16, 1863. Made Captain Dec 7, 1863. Honorable muster out Sept 22, 1864. Captain Seventh United States Veterans Infantry, May 10, 1865.

Honorable muster out Sept 22, 1864. Captain Seventh United States Veteran Infantry, May 10, 1865. Honorable muster out April 27, 1866. Made Second Lieutenant Twelfth Infantry, Aug 30, 1867; accepted Sept 3, 1867; unassigned June 3, 1869; assigned to Twelfth Infantry Aug 3, 1870; Made First Lieutenant June 30, 1877. Made Captain Jan 2, 1888. Made Major March 7, 1899. Transferred to Thirtieth Infantry, July 17, 1901. Made Lieutenant Colonel Twentieth Infantry, Sept 21, 1901. Transferred to Twelfth Infantry Oct 15, 1901.

Army men, who have been with Col. Haskell in many campaigns with the Indians and in the Civil War and in the Spanish American War, tell glowing stories of his bravery. Sergt. Major Carroll and Sergt. Brush, of the Third, tell some things of his record as a soldier. They say he has a beard reaching nearly to his waist line and is snowy white. Col. Haskell was in command of the Twelfth at Santiago and his regiment with the Twenty-second supported the firing line on that night.

Col. Haskell's regiment was also in the thick of the fight at El Caney. He took part in the Philippine campaign and saw service in most of the Indian campaigns. He fought Sitting Bull in the Sioux country in 1890 and was a part of Gen. O O Howard's command that halted Chief Joseph during the uprising of the Nez Perce Indians in 1882. He also took part in the Bannock campaign of the same year and also in Gen. Crook's campaigns. He has been wounded several times.


Kentucky Post, Friday, 22 January 1904, page 8

Col. Harry L Haskell has received his commission as Brigadier General and his retirement papers from Washington. He will turn over the command of the post to Major William L Buck, Third Infantry. His successor has not been appointed, but the new commander of the Third Infantry will probably be one of the following Lieutenant Colonels: George A Cornish, Twenty-sixth Infantry; Charles A Williams, Twenty-eighth Infantry, and Thomas C Woodbury, Seventeenth Infantry.


Kentucky Post, Saturday, 23 January 1904, page 5

Colonel Haskell having been retired, Major William L Buck is in temporary command of the post. General and Mrs. Haskell will make their future home in Southern California, leaving in about three weeks.


Kentucky Post, Monday, 7 March 1904, page 8

Gen. and Mrs. Haskell will receive in honor the new commandant Col. Woodbury, Tuesday evening. Prof. Harvey with the full Third Regiment will furnish the music for this function.


Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 27 April 1904, page 8

General Harry L Haskell and Mrs. Haskell will leave Ft Thomas Thursday for Southern California where they will in future, reside permanently. On Wednesday evening the General and Mrs. Haskell will be given a farewell reception at the post in which all the officers and ladies of the garrison will participate.


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