Major Harry L Bailey

Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 4 January 1910, page 2

An excellent vaudeville entertainment will be given under the auspices of the Major Harry L Bailey No 45, Army and Navy Union, at the post gymnasium Thursday night. The program will include a comedy, "Not in the Regular Army;" cornet solo by Fred A Schlitzkus, Second Infantry Band; Green and Sayce, in sketches and songs; Price and Riedmatter, a farce.

Louis Kitchin and Darcey in "Crazy Looseness," and George Kimball Green will close with "I Remember You."


Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 5 April 1910, page 5

Lieut. Col. Harry L Bailey, recently promoted from the Second Infantry and assigned to the Fifth Infantry, Plattsburg Barracks NY. was dropped from the post records yesterday, the order announcing his promotion having arrived from Washington.


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