Harold Edward Prim


Kentucky Post, Friday, 24 October 1941, page 11

BELLEVUE-DAYTON-A union Reformation Service sponsored by the United Brethren Churches of Northern Kentucky, will be held at 7:45 pm Sunday in the Hopeful Lutheran Church, Florence There will be a union choir under the direction of Mr. Harold Prim, who recently received his honorable discharge from the army with the rank of sergeant.


Kentucky  Post, Thursday, 13 August 1942, page 4

LEAVE OF ABSENCE-Leaves of absence were granted Harold Prim and John Wuest for the duration of the war. These two teachers have joined the armed forces. The leaves were granted with the understanding they be restored to their teaching positions following the war.


Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 28 January 1947, page 1

PRIM QUITS-Harold E Prim has resigned as a member of the faculty of the Bellevue public schools to accept a position in the school system of Detroit CS Dale, Bellevue superintendent, announced Tuesday. He will assume his new duties when the second school semester open Feb 3. Mr. Prim was graduated from Bellevue High School in 1930. He earned a Bachelor of Science Degree at Eastern State Teachers College, Richmond and his Master of Arts Degree at George Peabody College for Teachers, Nashville Tenn.

During the war he was purchasing and contracting officer at the Armored School, Ft Knox, for five years. Upon his release from the service he accepted a position at Bellevue's Center Street School, where he had taught before entering the service.


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