Gustave Ritte

Cincinnati Enquirer, 22 November 1884, page 7


THE funeral of the lamented Gustave Ritte took place yesterday from is late home on Columbia street. Short funeral services were held at the residence and were conducted by Rev Mr. Brandstettner, assisted by Rev H J Steward.

The remains were encased in an elegant casket that was completely hid from view by the profusion of floral offerings that were sent by loving and esteemed friends. The pall bearers were Messrs. T Hogan, Jacob Smith, James Hastings, Jun. John Morgan, M Geis, Joseph Richmond, Ferd Smith and Philip Mauer.

The Saloon keepers' Association of which the deceased was a member attended in a body. The remains were taken to Evergreen Cemetery, to which place they were followed by a large concourse of friends and relatives.


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