Augustus R Harms

Kentucky Post, Saturday, 31 August 1895, page 7

An attempt was made last night by Mayor Brown and Alderman Mosset, on behalf of the city and Gus Harms, on behalf of the Newport Light Company, to settle that gas bill with unknown results.


Kentucky Post, Thursday, 19 Sep 1895, page 7

A great deal of gas has been manufactured by the vocal organs of Bellevue residents within the past few days in direct contrast with the small amount alleged to have been furnished by the local gas company. Mr. Gus Harms controls the plant but is away on a vacation.


Kentucky Post, Saturday, 21 September 1895, page 7

Mr. Gus Harms, Superintendent of the gas company, is home from his fishing trip.


Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 22 July 1896, page 5

Mayor Biltz of Newport, is anxious to have the injunction suit of the Suburban Electric Light Company against the Board of Aldermen, settled at once. Colonel Nelson, for the Newport Company, stated he would have the injunction dissolved just as soon as Gus Harms comes home from Atlantic City, which will be a few days.


Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 4 August 1896, page 5

Colonel Gus Harms, President of the Newport Light Company, has returned from his silver mines in Mexico. He brought with him a lump of silver taken from his mine and it weighs 16 pounds. It is in charge of James Hearne, the Secretary of the company, who has it on exhibition at the gas office on York Street. Colonel Harms visited New York with his family for two weeks. They will remain there for some time.


Kentucky Post, Thursday, 8 October 1896, page 5

Gus Harms is home from a trip to New York and Ontario. While away he purchased the Lakeside Hotel in Orange County, New York. The hotel has 45 acres surrounding it as pleasure grounds. Mahlon Harms will be made landlord.


Kentucky Post, Monday, 16 November 1896, page 5

Gus Harms is home from a trip to Mexico, where he has been looking after his mining interests.


Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 30 December 1896, page 5

The fight between the rival light companies has developed into a serious one. The case was detailed in the Post Tuesday. Last night two unknown men, equipped as linemen, cut the wires that had been strung recently in the East End by the Newport Light Company. Colonel Gus Harms of the Newport Company, notified the police and asked that protection be granted them. Colonel Harms is President of the Newport Light Company. Said Colonel Harms to a Post reporter:

"I do not intend to stop the investigation of such an outrageous case. I have offered $50 as a reward for the arrest of the parties or information leading to their arrest. Up til noon Wednesday the police had no clue to the perpetrators."


Kentucky Post, Monday, 13 April 1903, page 5

Henry Burkhold, cashier of the Franklin Bank in Cincinnati and Newport Ky. have authorized Attorney General Edwrd Colston to sue the United States Court to learn how control was secured by others. Ex-mayor George (sic) R Harms and wife of Bellevue Ky. P Sandoval, banker, and A F Paradies, both of Nogales Mex. are defendants.

Paradies is said to have disposed of the property to Sandoval, claiming to act under power of attorney for Mr. and Mrs. Harms. The Sonora Mining Company was promoted by Harms in 1896. After the organization the title was left in the name of George R Harms and wife. Harms was put in charge of the work. Ex-Mayor Harms says that Sandoval, who handled the output of the mine as a Government official was entitled to $15,000 as fees and that he sued and got possession for non-payments.

Harms says he was personally out $3000 fighting Sandoval's suit alone. Harms also says the mine was never profitable.


Kentucky Post, Monday, 9 November 1903, page 5

Mrs. Gus Harms of Newport, leaves shortly for the East, where she expects to spend the winter months.


Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 1 February 1905, page 5

Among the many new buildings to be erected in the Highlands the coming season, is the Grand View Hotel at the end of the Ft Thomas car line, on the Alexandria pike. Architect Gordon Sheppard of Robertson av. in the Highlands just completed the plans for the flat building that will be erected near the new Bivouac Hotel, by Col. Gus Harms.


Kentucky Post, Thursday, 28 September 1905, page 5

Gordon Sheppard filed suit in the Campbell Circuit Court yesterday against Gus R Harms, the Bellevue capitalist to recover $700. The plaintiff alleges he made plans and did other work in his capacity as an architect for the defendant.


Kentucky Post, Saturday, 8 August 1908, page 8

The application of Horatio W Burckhardt for a received for the Harms Mining Co was refused Friday by Judge Woodmansee. In the petition it was charged by Burckharedt and other stockholders that Gus R Harms, after receiving a reasonable compensation for his services in organizing the corporation, had 650,000 shares of the company's 2,000,000 shares of stock issued to himself without paying anything for it. Harms claimed this amount of stock was due him for his services.


Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 22 April 1913, page 5

Gus Harms, former proprietor of the Bellevue Fuel, Gas & Water Co. telegraphed relatives in Newport yesterday that his son, Mahlon is missing from his home in Atlantic City. He has been in ill health for some time. Gus Harms lives in New York City.


Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 14 May 1913, page 5

According to word received by relatives of Gus Harms, formerly of Bellevue, no tidings have been gotten of his son Mahlon Harms, who disappeared about a month ago. The latter had been at Pleasantville NJ shortly before he disappeared and relatives have scoured the surrounding country without finding any trace of the missing man. Mahlon Harms was a member of the Newport Lodge of Elks and has a wife and three children.


Cincinnati Post, Thursday, 14 May 1918, page 11

HARMS-Fannie L (nee Robson) died on Feb 11 in her 71st year at Atlantic City. Also HARMS, Gus R died in his 73rd year on March 8 at Atlantic City. Burial from Chapel at Spring Grove Cemetery Saturday, March 16 at 2:30 pm.


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