Gervis Shirley Gardner


Kentucky Post, Friday, 27 July 1928, page 1

Taps blew late Thursday for Gervis Shirley Gardner, 85, Confederate veteran, 917 Walnut st. Dayton. Funeral services will be held from the John J Radel Co. funeral parlors, 828 York st. Newport, but arrangements had not been completed Friday. Gardner's death marks the passing of "the long gray line" from Campbell co. but August Seither, Front st. and Central av. a Union veteran and close friend of Gardners is much grieved that his friendly enemy has fought his last battle.

Gardner was active despite his age until three weeks ago when the infirmities of age drove him to his bed where he passed away Thursday, a smile on his face. The Confederate moved to Cincinnati at the close of the Civil War and a few years later moved to Dayton. He formerly was a printer on the Cincinnati Enquirer and the Valley Blade, Elmwood Place O. and the Robert Clarke Co, E Fourth st. He retired 20 years ago. Gardner is survived by his son, Jesse Gardner, Cincinnati Post printer, with whom he lived and a sister, Mrs. Lucy Martin, Detroit, Michigan.


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