German National Bank

The German National Bank opened in 1882 and stopped printing money in 1935, which equals a 54 year printing period. During its life, The German National Bank Of Newport issued 6 different types and denominations of national currency. It was assigned charter number 2726.


Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 2 July 1895, page 6

Will Kruse, youngest son of Jailer Kruse was yesterday appointed a messenger for the German National Bank. Mr. Kruse entered upon the duties of his position at once.


Kentucky Post, Monday, 22 July 1895, page 7

Sergeant Willis yesterday killed a rabid dog owner by Ed Remme of the German National Bank.


Kentucky Post, Monday, 1 July 1895, page 5

The Directors of the German National Bank have declared a dividend of 5 per cent. An election of Directors will be held tomorrow.


Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 7 August 1895, page 7

E C Remme has been elected to succeed the late P P Eyer as Director of the German National Bank.


Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 14 August 1895, page 7

President Samuel Shaw of the German National Bank of Newport, and Director James Southgate of the same institution, had not arrived at their places of business, Newport, this morning and it is understood they are laid up at their homes in the Highlands, with nervous prostration.


Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 16 October 1895, page 8

Harry Percival of the German National Bank, owing to illness, has been unable to attend to his duties the past few days.


Kentucky Post, Friday, 20 December 1895, page 5

Peter J Weckmann, City-treasurer elect, has chosen the German National Bank as the city depository.


Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 1 July 1896, page 5

The German National Bank has again come to the front by declaring a 5 per cent semi-annual dividend, which is a splendid showing.


Kentucky Post, Friday, 17 July 1896, page 1

? White, chairman of the committee stated he had tried to borrow sufficient money from all the banks to pay all salaries, but had been refused. The only place a loan could be negotiated was at the German National Bank and then only enough to pay salaries for May, the bank to hold the teachers notes.


Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 4 August 1896, page 5

The Sinking Fund Commissioners of the General Council, Newport, met on Monday night and recommended the sewer bonds be sold to the German National Bank, Newport at their bid of $75.


Kentucky Post, Monday, 10 August 1896, page 5

President Henry Weidner of the German National Bank and wife; Cashier Ed C Remme of the same bank and wife and City Treasurer J P Weckman and wife Sunday spent the day at Louisville.


Kentucky Post, Friday, 4 September 1896, page 8

Resolution authorizing the Mayor, Auditor and Treasurer to borrow from the German National Bank $2500, payable Jan 2, 1897; in order to meet a note due the Newport Light Company, Sept. 14, 1896. Adopted.


Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 27 October 1896, page 9

German National Bank; Fourth and York Sts. Newport Ky. Capital, $100,000. Surplus, $50,000. J M Southgate, President; H Weidner, Vice President; Edw C Romme, Cashier; F M Brown, Ass'st Cashier


Kentucky Post, Saturday, 12 December 1896, page 5

The German National Bank filed suit against H F Schnelkers and others to recover $200, alleged to be due on a note dated Feb 25, 1896.


Kentucky Post, Friday, 2 January 1903, page 5

The firemen of the One's engine house were each presented with a box of cigars as a New Year's gift from the officials of the German National Bank.


Kentucky Post, Saturday, 14 March 1903, page 1

Friends and relatives of Frank Brown, defaulting bookkeeper and wrecker of the defunct German National Bank of Newport Ky. are alarmed because he is said to be allied with the Government party in Ceiba, Honduras, now the center of a revolution.


Kentucky Post, Saturday, 4 April 1903, page 3

The April term of the Federal Court will begin in Covington Monday. Robert Winstel will be tried for complicity in the looting of the German National Bank of Newport.


Kentucky Post, Friday, 22 May 1903, page 2

A house on Prospect Street, near Taylor Avenue, Bellevue Ky. belonging to the German National Bank was struck by lightning and entirely destroyed by fire during the storm Friday night. Gus Schoffeld and his family, the occupants, escaped uninjured, but lost nearly all their household effects.


Kentucky Post, Friday, 6 November 1903, page 5

The new safety deposit vaults of the German National Bank are completed, and are the most modern in the State. The doors are operated by a time lock.


Kentucky Post, Monday, 16 November 1903, page 5

Sunday night the condition of President L K Marty of the German National Bank in Newport, was still reported very serious. Dr. Kieley says he is suffering from an acute attack of pneumonia. He is at his home in the Highlands.


Kentucky Post, Friday, 18 December 1903, page 7

Henry Weidner, former President of the German National Bank in Newport, who has been missing since last Monday, returned to his home late Thursday night.


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