George Wiedemann

Cincinnati Enquirer, Wednesday, 27 March 1901, page 12

George Wiedemann, the Vice President and Superintendent of the Wiedemann Brewing Company, died yesterday afternoon at his home in Newport, after a short illness.  Mr. Wiedemann was attacked with appendicitis last Sunday and it was found necessary to perform an operation yesterday as a last resort to save his life. The operation was unsuccessful, as he lived only two hours.

Mr. Wiedemann was born in Cincinnati, February 6, 1866, and moved to Newport with his parents when but a boy. He attended Newport public schools and the Chickering Institute of Cincinnati from which institution he was graduated with honors. During the years 1887 and 1888 he attended the Academy of Brewing in Munich, Bavaria and returned fully equipped for the business bequeathed to his brother Charles and himself by his father.

September 21, 1889, he married Miss Nona Boal and as a result of that union there was born Stanhope, now aged 8 years. Besides his widow and brother, Charles, he leaves four sisters, Mrs. Dr. Weaver of Avondale Ohio; Mrs. Tillie Balcom of Buffalo New York; Mrs. Bertha Wills of Rochester New York and Mrs. Dora Lake of Minneapolis, Minn.

Mr. Wiedemann was a Thirty-second Degree Mason, a Knight Templar, a member of the Scottish Rite, a Shriner, a moving spirit in the Inverness Country Club and a stanch worker in St Paul's P E Church, having been a member of the Board of Vestrymen for many years. He was an enthusiast in religious work and very charitable. He was also a member of the Board of Public Library Trustees of Newport.

By his death Newport loses a valuable citizen, who enjoyed the respect of all who knew him. His sudden demise was a great shock to a legion of friends, who were unaware that he was seriously ill. Relatives of the family were notified of his death yesterday and the funeral arrangements will not be performed until they arrive. Many telegrams of condolence were received from sympathizing friends last evening.


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