Georgia Turner

Cincinnati Enquirer, Tuesday, 22 November 1898, page 8

A very mysterious death, with suspicious circumstances attached to it, is being investigated by Coroner Higgins, of Campbell County, Ky. From the testimony already gathered there is strong evidence that a criminal operation has been either attempted or effected and that this is what caused the death of the woman in question.

Early yesterday morning, Mrs. Georgia Turner, about 28 years of age, died at the home of her mother near the schoolhouse in Clifton Heights.  She was taken with severe hemorrhages on Friday last. Dr. Locke Sr. was called Saturday about 10 am. The physician made an examination and found that peritonitis existed.

The physician refused to have anything further to do with the case and advised the woman to go to the hospital.  Dr. William Thomasson was next consulted.  He told her he would come the next day and would make a further examination.  She never came back.  About 3 pm on Sunday Dr. Barnsfather, of Dayton was sent for.  He made an examination and gave Mrs. Turner medicine for the pain.  he was again sent for on Sunday but refused to answer the summons. Dr. Fishback was the next physician sent for.  He arrived about 4 pm and also found that peritonitis existed.  He refused to have anything to do with the case.

At 10 pm Sunday Dr. Thomasson was again sent for and found the woman in a dying condition.  She lingered until the early morning and then passed away.  When Coroner Higgins arrived at 8 am he found that decomposition had already set in as is usual in cases of peritonitis.

After securing the above testimony the Coroner decided to hold a post mortem examination.  This will be done at 9 o'clock this morning.  Dr. Thomasson assisting.  Interesting developments are expected.


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