Dr. George Holliday Zwick

Dr. George Holliday Zwick was born 19 July 1896 in Paris France, the son of Albert Otto and Hattie Bell (Holliday). His father was a druggist and was in Paris for a seminar and research project. After graduating from the University of Cincinnati medical school he spent two years in a Chicago pathology lab with slides, stains and dead tissues. In 1923 he then decided to become a family doctor. In 1953 he moved to Cincinnati where his main practice was office work, getting to know patients ony as names, faces and addresses. It didn't last and came back to Dayton.

"When you go on house calls you can see how they live, you get to know them."


Kentucky Post, Friday, 5 August 1927, page 4

The marriage of Miss Virginia E Lampe, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F H J Lampe, of Overton st. Newport, and Dr. George Holliday Zwick, of Dayton Ky. son of the late Dr. Albert Zwick of Cincinnati and grandson of the late Dr. G A Zwick, who was one of Covington's prominent citizens, was impressivley solemnized Thursday evening at 8:30 pm at the home of the bride's aunt, Mrs. Frank Voss, on Fifth and Monroe streets.

Late in the evening Dr.Zwick and his bride left by motor for a trip thru the west. In September when they return they will establish their home in an apartment on Sixth av. Dayton Ky. The groom is a graduate of the Liberal Arts College and the Medical College of the University of Cincinnati. He also attended Rush Medical School. Mrs. Zwick is a graduate of the University of Cincinnati.


Children of Dr. George Holliday Zwick and Virginia Elizabeth Lampe (1903-1979)

Suzanne Holliday Zwick b-18 June 1928 in Dayton Ky. d-9 Apr 1983 in Covington; br-Evergreen Cemetery
Natalie V Zwick b-5 May 1932 in Dayton Ky. d-26 Oct 2009 in Cincinnati; br-Spring Grove Cemetery


Kentucky Post, Friday, 6 February 1931, page 11

Dr. G H Zwick, 308 Sixth-Dayton, escaped injuries last Thursday when his auto ran onto a sidewalk at 11th and Isabella, Newport, and crashed into a --- in front of the confectionary shop owned by H Weintz. Dr. Zwick told police he had to swerve his auto to avod being struck by an auto driven by Victor Swanson, 2131 Gilbert, Cincinnati.


Kentucky Post, Saturday, 2 May 1931, page 3

Robert Goodfriend, Newport, was fined $50 and costs Friday night by Judge James O Burnett in Dayton Police Court on charges of reckless driving and disorderly conduct.

Goodfriend was arrested Tuesday night by Dayton police after his auto had crashed into the parked car of Dr. G H Zwick Dayton physician. He is also allgeged to  have run over several lawns in the city with his auto.


Kentucky Post, Sunday, 23 August 1931, page 6

The late Dr. Ollie Zwick erected a white bungalow on a wooded promotory about 15 years ago. He called it "Twin Oaks" because of the two giant oak trees beneath which he built his house. His son, Dr. G H Zwick and Mrs. Zwick and their daughter, Suzanne and Mrs. Zwick Sr. return to this lovely spot each summer.


Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 13 November 1934, page 1

"Anaesthesia" is the subject of an address to be delivered by Dr. G H Zwick Thursday at 8:45 pm at the regular meeting of the Campbell Kenton County Medical Society at Speers Hospital, Dayton.


Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 12 January 1937, page 1

Banks and present officers and directors likely to be re-elected are: State Bank and Trust Co. Dayton: Fred H Reekers, president; E C Landberg, vice president; George W Meyer, cashier; Swing Martin, assistant cashier. Directors are: Mr. Reekers, Mr. Landberg, Howard Otten, Otto Ott, Dr. G H Zwick, Joseph Roeller, A D Hewetson and H B Cohle.


Kentucky Post, Saturday, 27 February 1937, page 1

Funeral services for Mrs. Hattie Belle Zwick, 308 Sixth av. Dayton, widow of Dr. A O Zwick and mother of Dr. G H Zwick, Dayton physician will be held at the Tharp & Stith funeral home, Dayton, Monday at 2 pm. She leaves only her son.


Kentucky Post, Monday, 16 January 1939, page 4

Dr. G H Zwick, Dayton physician, Monday issued a plea for support of the fight against infantile paralysis.


Kentucky Post, Thursday, 4 May 1939, page 3

Dr. G H Zwick, Dayton physician was named grand marshall of the annual Memorial Day parade in Bellevue-Dayton by the Memorial Day Committee.


Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 24 November 1942, page 4

Dr. G H Zwick, medical coordinator of the Dayton Civilian Defense Council, will address the basic civilian defense class meeting at 8 pm Thursday in the auditorium of Dayton High School.


Kentucky Post, Friday, 14 May 1943, page 13

Circuit Judge Raymond L Murphy has named Dr. G H Zwick, prominent Dayton physician, to the Speers Hospital Board of Trustees to succeed the late Dr. Claude Youtsey. Dr. Zwick, whose new appointment is for life, has been a senior member of the maternity staff of the maternity staff of the hospital for 20 years. and a practicing physician in Dayton for that length of time. He has been on the staff of St Elizabeth Hospital for eight years.

In making the appointment and administering the oath Judge Murphy said: "This appointment was made without thought of politics and I feel we are extremely fortunate in obtaining a man of such high type as Dr. Zwick to fill such an important post as is required in operating the only hospital in this county.


Kentucky Post, Saturday, 28 October 1944, page 3

Northern Kentucky Lions Club and presidents will be host to A E Hukle, district governor of the Lions International, including Dayton: Dr. G H Zwick, president.


Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 3 August 1954, page 2

Dr. G H Zwick, president of trustees, Speers Hospital, has been appointed general chairman for the fourth successive year  of the annual four day festival sponsored by Speers Memorial Hospital. The affair will be held at the St Bernard School grounds, Dayton Aug 19, 20, 21 and 22.


Dr. Zwick continued in family practice in Dayton Ky. until he died in 1980. He was buried in Spring Grove Cemetery.


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