George Wiedemann

Kentucky State Journal, May 29, 1890 page 2

When Mr. George Wiedemann died, there died one of the noblest works of God, an honest man.  And with his honesty was a natural sociability that made him friends of every one with whom he came in contact.  It was this trait of character that caused the wonderful growth of his business and his correspondingly increased wealth with the past twenty years.

He was in the plain term a popular business man; dignified, yet not too proud to meet honest mankind on a level plane; and we doubt if a single act of his in any way connected with his fellow man is colored with the least taint of dishonesty or ungentlemanly conduct.  Newport has almost as much cause as has his family to feel sad over his departure.


Kentucky State Journal, May 29, 1890 page 5

Mr. Geo Wiedemann, the well-known brewer, died at 10 o'clock last Sunday night at his home 188 Taylor street, after a lingering illness.  The cause of his death resulted from a complication of diseases, prominent among which was Bright's disease. of the kidneys. His condition took a change for the worse on Saturday night and he hovered between life and death from that time up to the hour mentioned.

The deceased was one of Newport's most enterprising citizens and has been a resident here for the past twenty-five years.  He laid the foundation for his large fortune in a small establishment on Jefferson street and at the time of his death was the proprietor of one of the handsomest and most extensive breweries in the western country, and was valued at $500,000.  His whole fortune is estimated at about $750,000.

Mr. Wiedemann was born in Eisenach in 1833 and came to this country in 1855 and worked in a brewery in Williamsburg, NY.  He located in Newport in 1870 with John Butcher in the brewery business, and in 1878 bought out his partner.

In 1880 he bought the Constans Brewery and erected a new brewery in 1888.  He married Agnes Rohman in 1856 and six children blessed the union.  All are married except two daughters.  He was a member of the Odd-fellows, Pioneers, Turner Society, A O U W and German Benevolent Society.  No man stood higher in the community than Mr. Wiedemann and his death is widely lamented.

His funeral took place yesterday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the family residence.


Kentucky State Journal, Saturday November 21, 1891 page 4

The Superb Monument in Evergreen Cemetery
Visit to the City of the Dead-Description of the Work

A Magnificent Work of Art and a Tribute to a Worthy, Honorable Man

Yesterday afternoon a few gentlemen, lovers of the beautiful went out to Evergreen Cemetery to see the Wiedeman monument, recently erected on the family lot in the beautiful city of the dead.

The monument which is pronounced by critics the most expressive and striking piece of art work in the State and is a matter of peculiar interest to home people for two reasons, one it is in memory of a man well-known and honored in the communities as the projector and originator of the most gigantic business of the city of Newport.

Second because the conception and beautiful and expressive design of this master piece of art statuary and monumental designs of this country originated in the mind of one of our own men Mr. J J Legner of Bellevue.  Out of the thought of his mind has grown into a vital expression that beautiful presentation of humanity in life, death and resurrection, and that presentation not in ink or on paper that may soon pass away, but in solid marble which as the ages roll on will yet be preserved in all its beauty.

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