George O West

Kentucky Post, 15 November 1918, page 1

Lieutenant George O West, with the Aero Squadron in France, met death while fighting an air battle behind the German lines Oct 10, according to a letter received by his mother, Mrs. William K West, W Fourth st. Newport, Thursday.

The letter was written by Lieutenant Harry Beil, fellow flier, who witnessed the death of the Newport airman.

"On the afternoon of Oct 10, when in combat against heavy odds, George was brought down. I feel his loss very keenly, as we were together from the time we left New York until our landing in France. It was a great privilege to have known him and I will always cherish the memory of our associations. He could offer his life in no greater branch of service. I wish I could tell you exactly where he fell, but you may rest assured he was given proper burial with all military honors.

Although falling within German lines, a sense of chivalry has always manifested in the air service. Aviators on both sides, falling in combat have been cared for as comrades."


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