Captain George Washington

Cincinnati Commercial Tribune, Thursday, 9 September, 1858, page 2


On Tuesday evening, the 7th inst. at his residence in Newport Ky. Capt. George Washington, a direct descendent from the illustrious family, the luster of whose name is a imperishable as the country that gave it. Although the death of Capt. George Washington, has been long expected by those who knew something of his bodily afflictions, yet the event falls with sadness upon many an ear.

He was in his 42d year and leaves a wife and two children and numerous relatives and friends, to mourn his loss. As father, son, husband, friend, he was ardent in his attachments. The unremitting and seemingly unwearied attentions of his devoted wife, for days, months and years, ceased only when their interposition was interrupted by the hand of death.

His funeral will take place from his late residence in Newport Ky. at 2 PM on THIS DAY (Thursday) the 9th inst. under the direction of the Order of Odd Fellows, of which he was a member.


Cincinnati Commercial Tribune, Friday, 10 September 1858, page 11

The remains of the late Capt. George Washington were interred in the Newport Cemetery yesterday.


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