John George Teichmoelle

Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 28 January 1920, page 2

Injuries received on the battle fields of France proved fatal to George J Teichmoeller, 30, of 31 E Fifth st. Newport, Tuesday. Teichmoeller was an officer in the 305th Field Artillery and was with Colonel Whittlesey, with the famous "Lost Battalion". He was studying for the ministry at Wittenberg Theological School when war wit Germany was declared. He attended an officers training school and received a commission as lieutenant.

Lieutenant Teichmoeller was among the first to be sent to the front. He escaped injury until the closing days of the conflict when a shell burst near him and a piece imbedded itself in his head. His ears were affected and upon his return to this country he was sent to a Cincinnati hospital. He lingered until Tuesday when death ensued.

The funeral will be held Friday afternoon with services at St Marks Lutheran Church. Six fellow students from Wittenberg College will act as pallbearers. Burial will be in Evergreen Cemetery.


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