George W Smith

Cincinnati Enquirer, Friday, 14 May 1909, page 11


George W Smith, aged 57, died yesterday at Speers Hospital following an operation for tumor of the brain. He had been afflicted for years and an operation was determined upon a last resort. A tumor weighing 5 3/4 ounces was removed from the top of his brain last Saturday. This is said to have been one of the largest growths ever taken from the brain of a man.

Smith was an employee of the Ault Woodenware Company of Cincinnati. He was born in Bristol England, but removed to America in early youth. He is survived by three daughters and two sons. He was formerly a member of the Dayton City County and was President of the Progressive Building and Loan Association at the time of his death.

He was a prominent member and official of the First Baptist Church and a member of Henry Barnes Lodge, F and A M. The funeral will be held at 2 pm tomorrow afternoon from the residence.


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