George Pagan Sr.

Kentucky Post, Thursday, January 5, 1893, page 4

George Pagan Sr., 71 years old, one of the oldest and most esteemed citizens of Newport, died at an early hour today, at his home at the corner of Seventh and Washington Avenues.

Some two years ago Mr. Pagan met with an accident that caused blood-poisoning from which he never recovered, although his death was caused by congestion of the brain.  Several days ago he was brought home from the United States Courthouse in Covington, where he was serving as a juror.  He gradually grew worse, until today when he died.

He leaves a wife and six children, five boys and one girl, all of whom are married, with the exception of one son.  He leaves a considerable fortune, the greater portion of which is in real estate.  The funeral will take place from the family residence Sunday at 2 p. m.


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