George Emig Sr.

Kentucky Post, Thursday, 2 June 1904, page 5

George Emig Sr. 57, one of Bellevue's prominent citizens, passed away Wednesday afternoon at his home on Fairfield av. Mr. Emig's health has been failing for the past two years and a complication of diseases resulted in his death. Before residing in Bellevue, Mr. Emig was one of Cincinnati's foremost citizens, having been a member of the Cincinnati Board of Education from 1879 to 1886, serving as its President for several years.

He was a member of the Library Board and also a member of the Union Board of High schools. Soon after taking up his residence in Bellevue, he took an active interest in its city affairs, being elected a member of the City Council from 1890 to 1894, serving as its President. He was tendered the nomination for Mayor several times, but persistently declined on account of his business. He was well known in iron circles, being Superintendent of L M Dayton Nut & Bolt Works for 23 years.

Vattir Lodge, F A M of Cincinnati, of which lodge he was a member will have charge of the funeral which takes place Saturday afternoon at 1 pm at his late home on Fairfield av. The widow and several children, City Clerk George Emig among them, survive him.


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