George Emig

Submitted by Carol Sanman 13 January 2020

Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 15 November 1904, page 5

City Clerk George Emig was under the surgeon's knife Monday and had a large vein removed from his face. Dr. Senour says that no serious results will follow, although the operation was painful.


Kentucky Post, Friday, 19 January 1906, page 5

There was no meeting of the Bellevue City Council last night, as Mayor George Emig, City Attorney Caldwell and City Clerk Trunnell were absent in Frankfort, where they had gone to enter a protest against the propose annexation bill.


Kentucky Post, Thursday, 5 April 1906, page 5

Mayor Ewing (sic) of Bellevue, has instructed Chief Seither to enforce the ordinance relative to the dumping of refuse on vacant lots. He also ordered the Chief to prevent the taking of sod from vacant lots. Signal lights must be displayed on all obstructions on the streets and alleys.


Kentucky Post, Monday, 9 April 1906, page 5

Mayor Emig of Bellevue has issued instructions to Chief of Police Seither to strictly enforce the ordinance prohibiting the playing of baseball on the vacant lots on Sunday.


Kentucky Post, Covington, Kentucky, 28 March 1907; page 5


Mayor George Emig, Jr., of Bellevue, was stricken down with paralysis last night at 9 o’clock and died this afternoon.

Emig had been putting in a great amount of time on the fill in Taylor Mill Bottoms and had exposed himself to the bad weather conditions. Emig was 35, had been City Clerk two terms and was in his second year as Mayor.  He had been the picture of healthy manhood and his being stricken down was a surprise to his friends.

Emig has long lived in Bellevue and was well known.  The Mayor has a family consisting of wife, two young sons, Ralph and Donald. The family lived at the southern end of Van Voast-av.  He was a member of the Eagles and the Elks.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Friday, 29 March 1907, page 9


Mayor George Emig died shortly after noon yesterday of a stroke of paralysis he suffered Tuesday. The deceased had been in good health until recently. It is thought the stroke was super induced by exposure in supervising the repair of the cave in at the Fairfield avenue fill after the January flood. Mr. Emig never regained consciousness after the first attack.

He served two terms as City Clerk and was elected Mayor of the city at the last election. He was 35 years of age and leaves a widow and two young sons. He was a member of the Bellevue Lodge of Elks and the local Aerie of Eagles. The City Council at its meeting last night decided to attend the funeral in a body.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Monday, 1 April 1907, page 7


Thousands attended the funeral of George Emig Jr. yesterday afternoon and paid thrir last respects to the young Mayor of the city, who was stricken in the prime of his life. The services were conducted by Rev Frederick Knapp pastor of St John German Evangelical Church. The members of Bellevue Lodge of Elks and Blue Grass Aerie of Eagles attended in a body and escorted the funeral cortege to the city limits. The city officials were all in attendance and the patrol wagon was driven by Fire Warden Brinkman.

The remains were interred in the family lot at Spring Grove Cemetery.


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