George W Maxfield

Kentucky Post, Saturday, 11 August 1906, page 5

George W Maxfield, a general prisoner at Ft Thomas Barracks, made his escape from a guard yesterday. Private Wheeler had the man under guard cleaning up the grounds, when he started to run. Three shots were fired at him, but he was not hit. The police were notified of the escape.


Kentucky Post, Monday, 13 August 1906, page 5

The authorities at Ft Thomas have learned that George Maxfield, who is alleged to be a deserter and who escaped from a guard Friday, was in Dayton on that day and purchased a pair of overalls. Maxfield, who is supposed to be from Carrollton, is alleged to have said to the merchant where he purchased the clothes that he was homesick and wanted to see his mother. He is still at large.


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